Monday, May 31, 2010

"Please take a momemt to remember those who have fallen"

The Longest War

America's Longest War to date as listed by....Congress.Org
Is listed as Viet 128 months. From August 1964-April 1975
Also, they list The Korean War from June 1950-July 1953
A mere 37 month span of time. I beg to differ....

Seems there was a cease fire
that was agreed on, at the 38th parallel...  but no end to the war.
We are still at war with.... The North
717 months to date and counting....
No peace treaty was ever signed.

My Wish For Memorial Day

So many have given their lives, for their country. We set aside a day a year to pause
and reflect upon their ultimate sacrifice.....Today is that day.
There are so many....
More Americans died in the Civil War
than all the other wars combined.
I do not pose to bash war.
My wish for today...  No More  War!
No heart ache for those left behind loved ones to...
We are a young country in the eyes of the.... World.
We must remember that the USA is the ....World.
Born of war...The Revolutionary War lasted.... 100 months.
The Civil War only took....47 months.
Viet Nam a mere....128 months.
 Afghanistan..... 103 months so far.
Iraq......86 months to date.
If wishes could come true.....
 I'd wish...the wish....I wish......comes true.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


you know that we on average spend at least 780 hours in a car a year?"

Fix Or Repair Daily

YouTube - Ford's Channel

Ford never used a dime of government money!
Now you don't need a key to start your car!
Go figure!
You go Ford!

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Pictures to lol at 4 sure....

Follow Freemall4u on Twitter

Friday, May 28, 2010

Push Button Publishing

Where have I been.....WoW!
What a great blog platform it is! When they say..."Push Button Blog"
They mean it! If you think it is hard...think again.
If all you do is read...then read this blog.
If you want to try your hand at it....
I will update as time...permits.

You can even make money at it...with just a click of a button! Just hit the Monetize'll be amazed!
I have used other blog sites in the past.
This is by far the best!
It is great for  beginners and experts alike......
It kinda blew me mind to see,
just how far has evolved.
Set up 4  free!
This little effort will be my very,very humble attempt  to show you....just how easy it all is.

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So I blog.....write.....right! Just what is a niche? Many and I do mean many.....
authors out there in blog land...have written on the subject.
Let's see if we can come up with a meaning
What's a right click?
Think I will right click that word and get an answer. Must highlight  that index finger down on the mouse and hold.
I am making sure to set  my mark, just before or after, the word niche .Then with a quick click
on the right button with my fore finger...wallah! A virtual wealth of information
to view! Searching the meaning and I will have an answer soon.......
Every one says, I need one! You must find your niche! After all....I hope to stumble upon  more
than just one.... niche. I seem to wonder at times....ti-yeah!Me friends and family,
would say, I'm sure.
I wonder if we could make a difference. Perhaps..... we should.
I do know I have much to learn, as we all do. I am a plumber by trade. Yes,
I have a license to prove it. I look at the computer as a tool. I mean a real tool.
Just like say a hammer. Everyone can pound a nail...even the best carpenters
miss the head once in a while. There is so much one could learn via the computer.
This is my humble attempt to enlighten those of you that need enlightenment
and humor those of you that don't. Any old way, I will enjoy it and learn, hope you do..... too.